36-Hour Fast: A Journey to Physical and Mental Well-being

How Often Should I Do a 36-Hour Fast?

Experience the transformative power of the 36-hour fast, also known as the monk fast. Reset your body and mind with this intermittent fasting method. Join us as we share insights, tips, and a roadmap to easily incorporate it into your lifestyle.

A 36-hour fast can boost energy levels, but it’s crucial to approach it with caution and consider personal circumstances. This blog post highlights the benefits of a 36-hour fast but emphasizes the importance of proper guidance before attempting it.

Let’s dive into the benefits and risks of this fasting period. We’ve got you covered with tips to improve your health and energy levels, so you can make informed decisions.

An alarm clock and a cup of coffee in the morning
An alarm clock and a cup of coffee in the morning

Table of Contents

What is a 36-Hour Fast?

Concept photo of intermittent fasting with an alarm clock, empty plate, and measuring tape
Concept photo of intermittent fasting with an alarm clock, empty plate, and measuring tape

The 36-hour fast, also known as the monk fast, is an intermittent fasting technique that involves abstaining from food for a period of 36 hours. This particular fasting plan is recommended exclusively for experienced fasting practitioners.

During the 36-hour fast, you can drink calorie-free beverages like water, unsweetened tea, and unsweetened coffee. However, no other food is allowed. This practice can be done weekly to enhance weight loss, fat burning, and overall health.

Similar to other intermittent fasting approaches, the monk fast aids weight loss by reducing calorie intake and triggering a metabolic state known as ketosis, which facilitates fat loss. Additionally, this fasting method offers a multitude of other benefits beyond its weight-reducing effects.

How to Follow a 36-Hour Fast Safely

The monk fast involves refraining from food for 36 hours and consuming only water, as well as other calorie-free beverages like tea or coffee.

While fasting can be done at your convenience, the 36-hour fast creators suggest beginning your fast on Monday after dinner and ending it with breakfast on Wednesday morning. This schedule is commonly followed and can be adapted to various lifestyles.

Intermittent fasting requires safe adherence for maintaining good health while reducing calorie intake. Here are tips for safely practicing the 36-hour fast.

Concept photo for intermittent fasting with a glass of water and healthy foods you can eat after fasting
Concept photo for intermittent fasting with a glass of water and healthy foods you can eat after fasting

Build Up Your Fasting Hours

In the beginning, your body may struggle with prolonged fasting. To prepare for the monk fast, it’s recommended to start with other intermittent fasting methods to gradually acclimate your body to periodic fasting.

There are several intermittent fasting methods to try, which can help your body adapt to extended fasting periods. These methods include the 14:10, 16:8, 20:4, alternate-day fasting, and 24-hour fasting.

Start with an easier fast and gradually increase it each week to minimize side effects during the 36-hour fasting period.

Stay Hydrated

A person holding a glass of water
A person holding a glass of water

On fasting days, it’s crucial to stay well hydrated. This means drinking an adequate amount of water and calorie-free beverages to maintain hydration levels. 

Drinking water can help reduce hunger cravings during the fast. Unsweetened tea and black coffee also give you caffeine, which can enhance focus and concentration. This can be especially beneficial when consuming fewer calories.

A cup of peppermint tea with leaves
A cup of peppermint tea with leaves

Make sure to stay hydrated during the fast by drinking plenty of water and other calorie-free drinks. Drinking electrolytes during fasting can also help keep you hydrated and provide essential minerals that may be lost due to not eating. Electrolytes can enhance focus and brain function.

Before breaking the fast, hydrate and choose a light meal that is easy to digest.

Plan Your Post-Fast Meal in Advance 

A bowl of bone broth with herbs and spices
A bowl of bone broth with herbs and spices

Planning your post-fasting meal is crucial for two reasons. First, it helps prevent overeating and shocking your body after a long period without food.

The second reason is that your digestive system hasn’t been digesting for a while. So, it needs a meal with gentle foods to ease it back into digesting solid food.

Plan this meal before starting your fast and remember to keep it light.

Potential Benefits of a 36-Hour Fast

There are numerous health benefits to practicing a monk fast once a week. Here are the summarized benefits of a 36-hour fast.

Promote Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting methods primarily focus on weight loss. One way this is achieved is by creating a calorie deficit through time-restricted consumption. By fasting for certain hours, you naturally restrict calorie intake for a portion of your week.

The primary objective of any weight loss diet is to reduce calorie consumption. This creates a calorie deficit, enabling your body to burn more calories than it consumes.

Another way the Monk Fast can help you lose weight is by boosting metabolism, which leads to burning excess fat and building lean body mass. Short-term fasting often results in this metabolic boost.

When fasting for more than 12 hours, the body enters a metabolic state known as ketosis. In this state, the body burns fat instead of blood sugar for fuel, which aids in reducing body fat.

Induce Autophagy

Autophagy is a remarkable natural process within our bodies. It enables the elimination of damaged cells and promotes the regeneration of newer, healthier ones. This intrinsic mechanism plays a vital role in maintaining our overall well-being and cellular rejuvenation.

Increased autophagy has several benefits for the body, such as longer life, lower cancer risk, protection against liver diseases, and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.

Calorie restriction and short-term fasting trigger autophagy, which is believed to be responsible for the anti-aging effects of fasting.

Enhance Blood Sugar Control

Intermittent fasting helps regulate high blood sugar levels by reducing the frequency of blood sugar spikes. 

By minimizing food intake and sugar consumption during extended fasting periods, the body responds more effectively to sugar levels in the blood.

During the fasting period, make sure to stay hydrated and take necessary steps to counteract symptoms of extremely low blood sugar caused by reduced levels.

Help with Cardiovascular Health

Healthy foods for the heart
Healthy foods for the heart

Intermittent fasting, especially the monk fast, is recognized for its positive impact on cardiovascular health. It aids in the prevention of heart and blood vessel diseases, such as heart disease. 

Fasting also improves indicators of poor heart health, like high blood pressure levels.

Research indicates that short-term fasting may enhance LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. Lowering such cholesterol levels can promote heart health and decrease the likelihood of cardiovascular conditions, such as heart disease.

Improve Insulin Sensitivity

In addition to regulating blood sugar levels, fasting for 36 hours once a week may also help manage and prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

Studies suggest that it can also enhance insulin sensitivity, helping your body use insulin to move sugar from your bloodstream to your cells more effectively.

Having better control over blood sugar leads to a healthier response, making insulin levels and type 2 diabetes more manageable. It also helps prevent insulin resistance, reducing the risk of developing this type of diabetes.

Side Effects and Risks of a 36-Hour Fast

Fasting for 36 hours can be challenging for the body. It is one of the longer periods of fasting in intermittent fasting diets, and there are some side effects you may experience when following this diet.

Though these side effects are not unique to the Monk Fast specifically, they may be amplified by the extremely long periods of fasting.

A person feeling hunger touching their stomach
A person feeling hunger touching their stomach

Side effects include:

  • Hunger cravings: Going without food for a while will naturally make you feel hungry. If you struggle to manage these cravings, appetite suppressants can help.
  • Fatigue and low energy: Consuming caffeine can temporarily counteract these effects.
  • Dehydration: Monk Fast poses a real risk of dehydration, so it’s crucial to drink plenty of water during fasting periods.
  • Sleep pattern disturbance: If you already have sleep issues, it’s best to avoid intermittent fasting.
  • Irritability: An empty stomach can have an impact on our mood.
  • Binge eating afterward: It’s important to avoid encouraging binge eating with your first meal after fasting. Steer clear of addictive refined foods.
  • Bad breath and digestive issues

Despite these side effects, the health benefits of the body staying in a fat-burning mode for 36 hours are worth it if you can effectively manage these side effects.

However, there are certain individuals who should not attempt the 36-hour fast or should only do so under medical supervision. This includes:

  • Pregnant individuals or those who are breastfeeding
  • Anyone with a condition that worsens with calorie restrictions and fasting
  • People taking medications that require food consumption
  • Individuals with a history of eating disorders

Research also indicates that fasting may affect women differently, so it’s advisable to conduct your own research or consult with a medical professional before starting intermittent fasting.

Does a Monk Fast Work for Weight Loss?

A person weighing on a scale with a measuring tape on the ground
A person weighing on a scale with a measuring tape on the ground

Doing a 36-hour fast once a week can help in losing weight and improving body composition. Skipping an entire day and a half of eating creates a significant caloric deficit since calories continue to be burned without replacement. 

That being said, the effectiveness of a 36-hour fast once a week for weight loss depends on your overall caloric balance for the week. You need to sustain a caloric deficit from fasting without rebound.

While there is no specific research on the monk fast, similar intermittent fasting regimens have demonstrated the ability to boost weight loss. 

A review of 27 studies concluded that practicing intermittent fasting may be equally effective as calorie restriction for achieving weight loss goals. Fasting also helps reduce calorie consumption by decreasing food intake, which can help in losing weight.

Another study revealed that engaging in whole-day fasting resulted in a decrease in body weight of up to 9%, along with significant reductions in body fat over a period of 12–24 weeks.

Additionally, some studies indicate that combining fasting with resistance training can aid in fat loss while preserving lean body mass. Remember to eat a healthy, balanced diet on the days you want to optimize your results.

What to Eat After a 36-Hour Fast

Lemon water with fresh lemon slices in a pitcher and mason jar
Lemon water with fresh lemon slices in a pitcher and mason jar

When breaking your fast, start with a small meal consisting of easily digestible foods. This helps your digestive system ease back into action after a long period of inactivity.

Also, if you have a big meal right after fasting, you might end up binge eating and developing unhealthy eating habits.

We talk about the benefits of bone broth for fasting in this article. Bone broth is not just a great option to break a fast, but it can also be a tasty choice to have during the fast. It’s a way to support gut health, reduce inflammation, and boost your overall well-being while fasting.

A bowl of beef broth with herbs and spices
A bowl of beef broth with herbs and spices

After fasting, it’s beneficial to include gentle and easily digestible foods in your post-fast meal. This can include fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, or kimchi to support gut health.

Healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil can provide nourishment and help you feel satisfied.

To prevent muscle loss, include protein sources such as lean meats or plant-based options.

Additionally, remember to nourish your body with nutrient-rich vegetables and whole grains for a well-rounded and satisfying meal.

While vegetables and whole grains are generally recommended as good post-fast foods, it is advisable to consume them AFTER the other foods on this list. This allows your body to readjust before reintroducing a high-fiber diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Fasting for 36 hours Good for You?

Although 36-hour fasting is generally safe for most healthy individuals, it’s important to note that longer periods without food, such as 24, 36, 48, and 72 hours, may not necessarily be beneficial and could be risky.

Extended fasting can cause your body to store more fat in response to starvation. It’s crucial to plan ahead and consult with a medical professional before attempting any prolonged fasting routine.

How Much Weight can You Lose in 36 hours Fast?

Recent studies indicate that fasting for 36 hours on alternate days combined with unrestricted eating during specific time frames (36-hour fast and 12-hour unrestricted eating), can result in weight loss and improved blood work.

In fact, individuals who followed this fasting protocol lost a significant amount of weight at 7.7 pounds in just one week. However, there is insufficient safety information about alternate-day fasting to recommend it as a sustainable way of eating for maintaining a healthy weight or achieving weight loss.

How Many Hours of Fasting is the Most Beneficial?

For optimal weight loss benefits, many individuals find that fasting for a range of 14 to 18 hours per day is ideal. This timeframe offers greater results compared to a 12-hour fast while remaining achievable and attainable.

Final Thoughts

The 36-hour fast, also known as the Monk Fast, is not just a dietary strategy, but a holistic journey towards physical and mental well-being. As you embark on this ancient practice, you will experience transformative effects that promise a revitalized version of yourself.

The impact on metabolic flexibility, energy levels, and cognitive function goes beyond short-lived wellness trends. The Monk Fast offers a timeless practice for finding balance in a hectic world. As we conclude this exploration, remember that success lies in listening to your body, staying hydrated, and recognizing this as a personal journey with unique outcomes.

Experience the vitality and resilience that the 36-hour fast can bring. Whether you incorporate it weekly or intermittently, let this practice guide you to a balanced and thriving life. The Monk Fast combines ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding, showcasing the power of mindful choices for a healthier, more harmonious life.

Here’s to your journey of well-being and the transformative potential that lies within the 36-hour fast.